Contact Info
820 Buncombe Street
Edgefield, SC 29824
- Phone:
- 803-637-5396
- Length:
- 24.67 miles
- Difficulty:
- Intermediate,
- Time:
- Multi-Day
- Season:
- Year Round
The Long Cane Horse Trail covers diverse ter rain within its 24-mile loop. Located in the northern portion of the Long Cane Ranger District, this trail traverses the Long Cane Scenic Area and offers riding, hiking and camp ing op por tu ni ties.
Additional Details:
This white-blazed equestrian trail begins at Fell Hunt Camp. However, numerous access points and con ve nient cut-throughs enable riders to adjust the length and du ra tion of their ride. Oak, hickory, and pine as well as diverse habitat are com mon along the trail. Cem e ter ies, state record trees and historic features such as the original “Charleston Road” enhance the rider’s ex pe ri ence.
Nearby points of interest include historic Abbeville, Parson’s Mountain Recreation Area, Cedar Springs OHV Trail, Parson’s Mountain OHV Trail, Midway Hunt Camp and Candy Branch Rifle Range.
Safety: Avoid trail use during fi rst two weeks of hunting season.Wear bright colored clothing during entire hunting season.
Surface type: Dirt, graveled or paved roads may be encountered.
Trail blaze: white
Trailhead amenities (at Fell Camp):
- * Conveniently placed stock water access
- Stock area with hitching posts and tie rails
- Vault toilets
- Ample trailhead parking
Requirements: Special permit is required for organized rides of 12 or more and overnight camp ing along trail.