Contact Info
810 Buncombe Street
Edgefield, SC 29824
- Phone:
- 803-637-5396
This 12-mile trail winds through the south east central por tion of the Long Cane Ranger District. Recreational ca noe ing is a popular sport on this creek.
This canoe trail begins at the junc tions of Turkey Creek and SC Route 283. It ends at Modoc Bridge on SC Route 23. Two access points along the creek enable you to determine the length and duration of your visit. Generally, Turkey and Stevens Creeks range from 20 to 30 feet wide and 1 to 6 feet deep. Oc ca sion al holes are up to 15 feet deep. Steep hardwood bluffs, fl ood plain forest, and small marshy areas border the creek. White wa ter exists during fl ooding. Deer, turkey, raccoon and hawks as well as waterfowl can be observed by quiet fl oaters. Plants such as bloodroot, anemone, geranium, wild ginger, crane-fl y orchid and par tridge ber ry are some of the interesting plants to be found.
Additional Details:
Surrounding Area
Nearby points of interest include the towns of Edgefi eld (home of 10 Governors), and McCormick, Lick Fork Recreation Area, Beaverdam Rifl e Range,and Hamilton Branch State Park.
Diffi culty level: Moderately easy to difficult depend ing upon water level.
Length: 12 miles
Requirements: Flat-bottom boats less than 14 feet, or canoes.
Safety: Check local weather conditions. Study map of area and learn terrain. Know access points.
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
From Edgefi eld, take SC Route 23 south for 1.9 miles. Turn right onto Route S 19-35 (Walker Road). Drive 5 miles, turn left onto SC 283. Drive 4.9 miles to entrance on left.